Social Media Influencer Campaign Led to the Highest Market Shares To Date


Campaign targeting younger audience lead to the highest market shares to date of multivitamin brand Vigor Up! in a highly competitive category

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New Brand Positioning Increased Market Shares During a Price War


Brand positioning update and user-generated content campaign: brought an 1.1% YOY value market share increase for the market leader, during a price war

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Digital Strategy Led To a 25% Advantage Win


Digital communication strategy design: bolstered 2010 Warsaw mayoral election win with a 25% advantage for then-candidate Hanna Gronkiewicz Waltz

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Government Cultural Expenditure Increased from 0.3% to 1%


Communication strategy design: increased government cultural expenditure from 0.3% to 1% of the national budget

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5% Media Cost Decrease and Change Management Lead


Leading the media agency pitch for the second-largest media budget in Poland decreased media costs by 5%

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